by order of the Director of LLC “Kinologiya” No. 04 of 10 December 2024
Minsk 10 December 2024
AGREEMENT NO. 03/24 (PUBLIC OFFER) (comes into force on January 1, 2025)
on fee-based provision of services to natural persons
Limited Liability Company “Kinologiya”, hereinafter the “Contractor”, represented by its Director Andrei Vladimirovich Kisliakov, acting on the basis of the Articles of Association, enters into the present agreement on fee-based provision of services to natural persons (hereinafter – the “Agreement”) with any natural person, hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, requesting services in the manner set forth in the Agreement. The parties to the Agreement, jointly referred to as the “Parties” and each separately as the “Party”, have entered into the Agreement as follows:
1.1. The Customer pays 100% prepayment for all or part of the Contractor’s services listed in the paragraph 1.2. of the Agreement (hereinafter – “List of Services”), and the Contractor provides relevant services to the Customer in the manner and on the terms specified in the Agreement.
1.2. The List of Services of the Contractor includes:
1.2.1. Issuance of pedigree certificates for purebred dogs in Latin transcription within 30 calendar days
- for non-residents of Belarus - 3500 RU
1.2.2. Issuance of pedigree certificates for purebred dogs in Latin transcription within 3 working days
- for non-residents of Belarus - 5000 RU
1.2.3. Issuance of certificates within 30 calendar days
- for non-residents of Belarus - 3500 RU
1.2.4. Issuance of certificates within within 3 working days
- for non-residents of Belarus - 4000 RU
1.2.5. [Not applicable]
1.2.6. Registration fee for participation in the dog show for non-residents of Belarus:
- Junior classes, intermediate, open, working, champions: for one day of dog show - 5 500 RU, for two days of dog show - 10 000 RU;
- Junior classes, intermediate, open, working, champions for second and subsequent dogs belonging to the same owner: for one day of dog show - 5 000 RU, for two days of dog show - 9 000 RU.
- Classes of baby, puppies, veterans: for one day of dog show - 4 500 RU, for two days of dog show - 8 000 RU;
- Competitions for couples, breeders, progenys: for one day of dog show - 1700 RU, for two days of dog show - 3000 RU;
- Competitions for couples, breeders, progenys for second and subsequent contests: for one day of dog show - 2 700 RU, for two days of dog show - 5 000 RU;
- Young Handler Competition: for one day of dog show - 2 700 RU, for two days of dog show - 5 000 RU;
- Catalogue (in one cover for both days) - 500 RU.
1.2.7. [Not applicable]
1.2.8. [Not applicable]
1.3. Prices for the services are calculated taking into account the complex amount of work related to the verification of the documents of dogs registered in foreign countries as well as translation and insertion of registration details for these dogs.
2.1. Publication (posting) of the text of the Agreement on the website is the Contractor’s public invitation (offer) to conclude the Agreement addressed to an indefinite number of natural persons.
2.2. The Agreement is concluded by the way of the Customer’s accession to the Agreement through acceptance of the terms of the Agreement as a whole, without any conditions, exceptions and reservations. Acceptance of the public offer by each Customer is a separate agreement concluded between the Contractor and the Customer on the terms and conditions set in the public offer (also for currency regulation and control purposes).
2.3. The Agreement, provided the acceptance procedure is observed, is considered to be concluded in simple written form.
2.4. 100% prepayment to the Contractor for the chosen service is the confirmation of the Customer’s acceptance of the Agreement’s terms.
2.5. If payment for services is made via non-cash settlement, the Customer shall upon Contractor’s request either provide the Contractor with a payment order or other equivalent document confirming payment for the chosen service (“Payment Document”), or send a scan of such Payment Document to
2.6. The Customer shall indicate in the Payment Document (1) full name of the natural person, (2) the paragraph(s) of the Agreement containing the description of the required services.
2.7. By accepting the terms of the Agreement the Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Provisions of UPO “Belorusskoe kinologicheskoe obyedinenie” posted on the website at (hereinafter – the “Provisions”) are an integral part of the present Agreement, and compliance with the requirements (to the extent demanded by the nature of the services provided) listed in the Provisions is a prerequisite for the services provision.
2.8. The Customer’s payment for the services confirms the Customer’s consent to the terms of the Agreement. The Contractor also at its own discretion has the right to:
2.8.1. Refuse the Customer to refund money transferred for the services;
2.8.2. Set off money received against payment for other service;
2.8.3. Give a refund to the Customer in the amount of money received minus the Contractor’s expenses for the service provision and tax payments.
2.9. Duration of services on certificates, championship diplomas and other documents issuance are specified in paragraph 1.2 of the present Agreement. Duration of services of holding dog shows, breeding shows and other events are posted on the website at (in Russian).
3.1. The Contractor is obliged to:
3.1.1. provide services to the Customer in the amount and within the time frame agreed by the Parties under the terms of the Agreement.
3.2. The Customer is obliged to:
3.2.1. provide the Contractor with information necessary for provision of services pursuant to the present Agreement;
3.2.2. pay for the services in the manner and on the terms set forth in the present Agreement.
3.3. The Contractor has the right to:
3.3.1. not to proceed or to suspend the services provision and to withdraw from the Agreement execution and demand for compensation of costs and damages when the Customer's breach of its obligations under the Agreement prevents its execution, including, but not limited to, the Customer’s failure to provide information required to provide services under the present Agreement, and when the nature of services implies the Customer’s compliance with certain requirements (including, but not limited to, the requirements of the Provisions) which are not satisfied;
3.4. The Customer has the right to:
3.4.1. obtain the services in accordance with the terms of the present Agreement.
4.1. The cost of services under the present Agreement is defined in accordance with the Contractor’s List of Services currently in effect and is additionally indicated in the Payment Document.
4.2. The Customer pays for the services remotely by crediting money to the Contractor’s bank account specified in Section 8 of the present Agreement or by depositing money to the Contractor’s cash desk.
4.2.1. When the Customer pays for the services via the Contractor’s cash desk, prior to making payment the Customer shall read the terms and conditions of the public offer agreement (agreement of 8 June 2020) at (link to agreement of 8 June 2020:
5.1. The Contractor retains the right to unilaterally amend the terms of the Agreement, the List of Services and/or Provisions at any time at its own discretion. If the Contractor amends the Agreement, the List of Services and/or Provisions, such amendments will come into force on the next calendar day after posting the amended text of the Agreement, the List of Services and/or Provisions on the relevant web addresses, unless a different period of the amendments’ entry into force is specified at the time of such posting.
5.2. The Agreement enters into force upon receipt of payment for the services chosen by the Customer. The agreement is valid either: a) until the Parties’ fulfilment of obligations under the Agreement, or b) until the termination of the Agreement.
6.1. The Agreement may be terminated in accordance with the procedure specified in the Agreement and current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
6.2. For violation of the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the Parties are liable as set forth in the Agreement and current legislation of the Republic of Belarus. The Contractor’s maximum contractual liability, including any losses, direct injury, lost profits, reparation, fines, penalties, interest for unauthorised use of third parties’ money, other sanctions, is limited to the amount of money paid by the Customer for the relevant service.
7.1. The Agreement, its conclusion, execution and interpretation, as well as all relations arising from the Agreement, are subject to the law of the Republic of Belarus. In any matter not covered by the terms of the Agreement the Parties shall be guided by the law of the Republic of Belarus.
7.2. Disputes arising in the course of execution of or in connection with the Agreement shall be resolved by the letters of claim. In case there are complaints about the services, the Customer shall submit them in writing by registered mail with a return receipt to the Contractor’s address specified in the Contract no later than three calendar days following the last day of the dog show, breeding show or other event, or the day of the actual delivery or sending of a certificate, diploma or other document to the Contractor. After this period, the services shall be deemed accepted by the Customer in full and further claims about such services are not accepted.
7.3. All disputes that are not settled in by the letters of claim shall be referred to the Court of the Republic of Belarus at the Contractor’s location.
LLC “Kinologiya”
The Republic of Belarus, 220004, Minsk, Maxim Tank str. 16, room 7n
Реквизиты для оплаты регистрационного взноса за участие в выставке:
Код платежа: 90401 (другие платежи)
Назначение платежа: Регистрационный взнос за участие в выставке согласно п.1.2.6. Договора №04 от 10.12.2024г.